Laurie Riley, D.C. -Owner -Puppy Raiser

Laurie is the owner of Heavenly Sunsets Golden Retrievers

Dr. Laurie Riley has been a breeder almost her entire life, since 1972. Her family bred Dalmatians for a very long time before Laurie and her husband, Kurtis, fell in love with Golden Retrievers. They wanted the perfect family dog and they found it. The Riley family has been breeding Goldens since 2011.

Laurie is passionate about rearing puppies using many experiences of sounds, textures, surfaces, smells and novel items to give them the best chance at being a confident and happy dog. All puppies are raised in a loving home and environment that gives them the best head-start in life. Dr Riley is always researching the best ways to raise puppies and honor their individual personalities. She is dedicated to finding the right breeding lines for temperament and health to create a wonderful puppy for you.

Laurie is also a Chiropractor of humans when she is not busy raising puppies, at a dog class, riding off road motorcycles or hiking.

Beth Medders, BSN, RN Emergency - Nurse -Puppy Raiser

Beth has helped whelp, raise and train several Heavenly litters

Beth is passionate about raising sweet, balanced, loving Golden Retrievers. She knows the importance that they are raised with training starting on day one. Beth has raised dogs most of her life. She was always the one taking in older dogs, dogs that had problems with aggression, scarred or bound for a shelter. She was determined to give them all a loving and safe home through the end of their lives. One year she had seven dogs that passed away from old age and it was so heartbreaking. After that she got Willow as a guardian puppy and that was Beth’s resetting point. She is so grateful for the partnership with Laurie and Cathy. Her dog world had just opened up with new possibilities for service dog training, AKC titles and rethinking new or different training methods.

Cathy Gormley - Professional Dog Trainer

Cathy teaches all of our complementary Puppy Obedience and Socialization classes for our litters and offers help and advice for the life of every Heavenly puppy.

Cathy graduated from AzDog Smart Academy specializing in both Puppy & Service Dog training. Cathy is an approved trainer with the AKC, as well as an AKC CGC evaluator and a Fetch & ATT Judge. As a member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers & International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, Cathy uses only positive training techniques and routinely takes continuing educational classes. Cathy has owned and adored Goldens for over 38 years and is a Golden breed specialist trainer who understands the traits and targeted training techniques that best suit this beautiful and versatile dog.